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eView MT500 hardware problems
Date:2020-07-17  Browse:

1. Why is the backlight of my 2004 506L screen dim?

It may be the breakdown of the transistor of the inverter circuit or the aging of the lamp, please send it back to our company for inspection.


2. The backlight of one of my MT506L is too dark, and the contrast adjustment is invalid?

MT506L must be powered by a 24V DC power supply. If a DC power supply lower than 24V is used, the screen brightness will dim.


3. The screen using MT506LV45WV cannot be downloaded?

If the software is not compatible with our products, please find the corresponding supplier. Please look for the EVIEW logo for human-machine products.


4. Why can't I download using the USB to 232 serial cable on the computer?

Pay attention to the quality of the USB cable. It is recommended to buy it from a regular manufacturer, and then select the corresponding serial port in EASY MANAGER. The serial port is best set within COM5.


5. How to perform touch calibration and touch test?

5.1 Turn the DIP switch 1 to the ON position and follow the screen prompts to touch the center of the cross cursor on the screen by hand. After all the cursors are touched, two boxes will appear at the bottom right of the screen. Touch twice in the box on the right, then the screen will automatically jump back to the running interface, and then turn the DIP switch to OFF, calibration is complete.

5.2 Turn the code switches 1 and 2 on the back of the screen to the ON position at the same time to touch the screen by hand to see if there is a sound and a cross cursor. If there is a sound and a cross cursor, it indicates that the touch is valid, then look at the cross Whether the cursor is at the place where the hand is pressed, if the cross cursor is not at the place where the hand is pressed, indicating that the touch has drifted, then touch calibration again.


6. How to reduce the impact of on-site interference on the touch screen?

6.1 It is better to supply power to the touch screen separately. If the on-site power grid is unstable, a filter should be added.

6.2 The power supply and touch screen must be grounded.

6.3 The communication line must not be laid parallel to the power line. Use shielded double-legged wire as the signal line, and the shielding layer must be grounded.

6.4 High-power motors and frequency converters should be separated from the screen as much as possible. If the site conditions do not allow, the screen should be placed above these devices.


