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[Inverter and drive] Questions and answers on basic knowledge of inverter
Date:2020-07-17  Browse:

1. What is an inverter?

The frequency converter is an electric energy control device that uses the on-off action of power semiconductor devices to transform a power frequency power supply into another frequency.

2. What is the difference between PWM and PAM?

PWM is the abbreviation of Pulse Width Modulation (Pulse Width Modulation) in English. The pulse width of the pulse train is changed according to a certain rule to adjust the output and waveform. PAM is the abbreviation of Pulse Amplitude Modulation in English. It is a modulation method that changes the pulse amplitude of the pulse train according to a certain rule to adjust the output value and waveform.

3. What is the difference between voltage type and current type?

The main circuit of the frequency converter can be roughly divided into two categories: the voltage type is the frequency converter that converts the DC of the voltage source into AC, and the filtering of the DC loop is the capacitor; the current type is the frequency converter that converts the DC of the current source into AC. Its DC loop filter stone inductance.

4. Why does the voltage of the inverter change in proportion to the current?

The torque of an asynchronous motor is generated by the interaction between the magnetic flux of the motor and the current flowing in the rotor. At the rated frequency, if the voltage is constant and the frequency is only reduced, the magnetic flux will be too large and the magnetic circuit will be saturated. The motor will be burned. Therefore, the frequency and the voltage should be changed proportionally, that is, the output voltage of the frequency converter is controlled while changing the frequency, so that the magnetic flux of the motor is kept constant, and the phenomenon of magnetic field weakening and magnetic saturation is avoided. This control method is mostly used for energy-saving inverters such as fans and pumps.

5. When the motor is driven by industrial frequency power supply, the current will increase when the voltage drops; for inverter drive, if the voltage also drops when the frequency drops, does the current increase?

When the frequency drops (low speed), if the same power is output, the current increases, but under the condition of a constant torque, the current is almost unchanged.

6. What is the starting current and starting torque of the motor when the inverter is used for operation?

The inverter is used for operation, and the frequency and voltage are correspondingly increased as the motor accelerates, and the starting current is limited to 150% of the rated current (depending on the model, it is 125%~200%). When starting directly with a power frequency power supply, the starting current is 6 to 7 times, so mechanical and electrical shocks will occur. Using frequency converter drive can start smoothly (starting time becomes longer). The starting current is 1.2~1.5 times the rated current, and the starting torque is 70%~120% of the rated torque; for the inverter with automatic torque enhancement function, the starting torque is above 100%, and it can be started with full load.

7. What does V/f mode mean?

When the frequency drops, the voltage V also drops proportionally. This question has been explained in answer 4. The proportional relationship between V and f is determined in advance in consideration of the characteristics of the motor. There are usually several characteristics stored in the storage device (ROM) of the controller, which can be selected with a switch or a dial.

8. How does the torque of the motor change when V and f are changed proportionally?

When the frequency drops, the voltage is completely reduced in proportion, then the AC impedance becomes smaller and the DC resistance remains unchanged, which will cause the torque generated at low speeds to decrease. Therefore, given V/f at low frequencies, the output voltage should be increased to obtain a certain starting torque. This kind of compensation is called enhanced starting. It can be realized by various methods, such as automatic method, selecting V/f mode or adjusting potentiometer.

9. It is stated in the manual that the speed range is 60~6Hz, which is 10:1, then there is no output power below 6Hz?

The power can still be output below 6Hz, but according to the conditions of the motor temperature rise and the size of the starting torque, the minimum operating frequency is about 6Hz. At this time, the motor can output the rated torque without causing serious heating problems. The actual output frequency (starting frequency) of the inverter is 0.5~3Hz according to the model.

10. For the combination of general motors, a certain torque is required above 60Hz, is it possible?

Usually not possible. Above 60Hz (there are also modes above 50Hz), the voltage remains unchanged, and it is generally a constant power characteristic. When the same torque is required at high speed, attention must be paid to the selection of the motor and inverter capacity.

11. What does the so-called open loop mean?

Set a speed detector (PG) for the motor device used, and feedback the actual speed to the control device for control, which is called "closed loop", and the one that runs without PG is called "open loop". General-purpose inverters are mostly open-loop mode, and some models can use options for PG feedback.

12. What should I do when the actual speed deviates from the given speed?

In open loop, even if the inverter outputs a given frequency, when the motor is running with a load, the motor's speed will vary within the range of the rated slip (1%~5%). For occasions that require relatively high speed regulation accuracy and require operation at a speed close to a given speed even if the load changes, an inverter with PG feedback function (optional) can be used.

13. If a motor with PG is used, can the speed accuracy be improved after feedback?

The frequency converter with PG feedback function has improved accuracy. But the speed accuracy depends on the accuracy of the PG itself and the resolution of the output frequency of the inverter.

14. What does the stall prevention function mean?

If the given acceleration time is too short, the output frequency change of the inverter far exceeds the change of the speed (electrical angle frequency), the inverter will trip due to the overcurrent and stop running, which is called a stall. In order to prevent the motor from stalling and continuing to run, it is necessary to detect the magnitude of the current for frequency control. When the acceleration current is too large, slow down the acceleration rate appropriately. The same is true when slowing down. The combination of the two is the stall function.

15. There are models for which acceleration time and deceleration time can be given separately, and models for which the acceleration and deceleration time are given together. What's the point?     

Acceleration and deceleration can be given separately for the machine type. It is suitable for short-time acceleration and slow deceleration, or for small machine tools that require strict production tact time. However, for fan transmission and other occasions, the acceleration and deceleration time is longer. The acceleration time and deceleration time can be given together.


16. What is regenerative braking? 

If the motor reduces the command frequency during operation, the motor becomes an asynchronous generator and operates as a brake. This is called regenerative (electric) braking.


17. Can it get more braking force?

The energy regenerated from the motor is stored in the filter capacitor of the inverter. Due to the capacity of the capacitor and the withstand voltage, the regenerative braking force of the general inverter is about 10% to 20% of the rated torque. If the optional brake unit is used, it can reach 50%~100%. 18. Torque boost problem

The setting signal of the automatic control system can be flexibly directed through the frequency converter to change the frequency and control the process indicators. For example, in the sugar and spice process of the tobacco industry, the frequency of the frequency converter can be controlled by the flow signal of the belt scale, so that the pump speed follows the flow. The signal changes automatically, adjusts the feeding amount, and evenly adds flavor and sugar. The start and stop signals of the production line can also be used to control the start, stop and forward and reverse of the inverter through the positive and negative terminals, which becomes a part of the automatic assembly line. In addition, on the production line, the rear equipment should automatically shut down when the front equipment fails. The emergency stop terminal of the inverter can realize this function. In the SANKEN, MF, FUT and FVT series inverters, three or four or even as many as seven frequencies can be preset, and automatic production processes can be set up on some equipment accordingly. After setting the working frequency and time, the inverter can make the motor run at different speeds at different times in sequence, forming an automatic production process.


